Valonie Haircare

Raw African Black Soap


Our Premium Raw African Black Soap is made in Ghana from traditional African recipe and techniques. It does not contain any artificial fragrances.

It contains natural ingredients: Palm Kennel Oil, Coconut Oil, Stearin Oil, Cocoa Pod Husk, Unrefined Shea Butter, Plantain Skin Ash, Natural Vitamin E, Natural Sodium, Water

Since this is RAW African Black Soap, do not rub the soap directly on the face or skin. Lather soap in hand or washcloth and apply to face, body, or hair. This soap may contain small particles of plantains that could scratch or cause irritation.

Super Effective

Valonie’s African black soap is effective against:

• Dandruff and itchy scalp

. Serves as a natural Clarifying Shampoos 


Ingredients: Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, cocoa Pod ash, water,  Palm Kennel Oil, Coconut Oil,  Unrefined Shea Butter, Plantain Skin Ash, Natural Vitamin E, Natural Sodium, Water

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